miércoles, 26 de diciembre de 2012


Día 17, estoy empezando a pensar que está escapando de mi. Día 18, estoy empezando a pensar que está escondiéndose de mi. Día 19, estoy pensando que se arranca de mi. Día 20, pienso que siempre estuve inseguro de lo que pensé.

jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2012

almost there...!

Hey! We are almost there! next monday I'll can finally say: "no more study" and that's pretty good :)

Besides that, I just want to make a personal opinion, something it's in my mind right now... I only might change my PS3 time for one thing, and that has a name ;) (I hope I can do something before the apocalypse)

btw, everything is going well :)


domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2012

sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2012


Heeeeeey, haré un pequeño reporte. Sólo quiero dejar constancia de algo.

Ayer fue la gala de mi universidad, y la verdad es que lamento demasiado que la comida me haya caído como el pico y que no haya podido ni tomar ni bailar gracias a eso...PERO! estoy mas que pagado con las 12 lucas que pagué porque cumplí mi objetivo y de alguna manera vuelvo victorioso con lo que me propuse a hacer hahaha. Esto es, (no diré nombre, por seguridad, aunque nadie ve esta wea, y si alguien lo ve...hola) hablé con Lara, si, Lara. Y estoy más feliz que la chucha jaja, resultó ser una persona muy agradable y en verdad es tela. Me da muuuuuuucha lata no haberla podido sacar a bailar, por qué? gracias a la hermosa comida que comí (carne y pollo mal cocidos) que me sentí como la mierda, incluso no pude tomar.

Eso es lo único que lamento de toda la gala, ah y hablar con la Lore, pero eso ya era muy difícil, se veía hermosa también hahaha.

Eso, en verdad estoy comoooo...feliz creo, satisfecho, siento que hice lo que más pude a pesar de que me hubiese encantado sacarla a bailar y conocerla un poco más. Así que ahora tengo ayudante de familia :)

miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012


hey there!

Me he estado dando cuenta, que estoy empezando a sentir odio por cualquier clase de sentimiento o emoción, ya sea desde enojo, amor hasta felicidad. No es que odie sentir eso, sino mi reacción culiá que me molesta demasiado y que ni siquiera controlo!

Onda, veces que creí haber estado de lo mas normal, en verdad estoy colorado. Y onda alguien te dice: "te pusiste rojo" o "estay rojo" o cualquier wea que derive de eso, y yo digo: pero queeeee chuuuuuuucha... en verdad no siento vergüenza ni ninguna wea por el estilo, y ni siquiera siento que me pongo rojo, onda la wea ya es mucho. Si bien hay veces que onda se me nota, y de hecho siento la cara caliente como si me fuera a explotar, a veces no siento absolutamente nada y me dicen que estoy muy rojo, entonces no entiendo que mierda hacer! a veces pienso que la indiferencia o no dar ni mierda a las cosas que me pasen, es una buena idea.

En verdad estoy empezando a pensar que debería hacer algo drástico, que ha estado merodeando mi cabeza desde hace ya un tiempo atrás...

Les juro que si yo no me pusiera rojo, creo que podría desarrollarme de forma mas integral respecto de todo ámbito. Imagínense las ganas que tenía de participar en alguna cosa para las alianzas, por último bailar como de extra o salir al escenario a hacer cualquier cosa, pero este tema me lo impide rotundamente, onda es sólo eso...

Ya chao, estoy chato de esto por hoy.

Sin embargo fue un dia muy bkn, las alianzas y las actividades sociales me ponen de buen ánimo :)

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012

another report

Hey, escribiré en español ahora. 

Sucede que he estado pensando, y...no debí precipitarme tanto, es decir, tuve que esperar más (si aún más). Ahora siento que podría perfectamente actuar onda normalmente y no habría ningún problema. EL problema de ahora es que no puedo solucionarlo...en verdad puede que haya alguna forma pero se ve difícil, muy difícil. Esto porque las personas no son tontas, y obviamente se acuerdan de las weas que les hacen o las que ellas hacen. Ponte tú, me pasó mucho hoy, me decía mucho a mi mismo: mismo, no debiste precipitarte en aquel momento, la cagaste --> pero no tenías idea que la wea no iba a salir como querías y que de alguna manera se iba a volver en tu contra. 
Saben que, hoy fue cuatico igual, no sé que pensar...tenía igual creo yo varios puestos donde sentarse, y se sienta casi al frente mío. Puta no sé. Eso. Fue bkn. Me encanta jaja. 

Por otro lado, me ha ido bien en la universidad, cosa que me tiene igual un poco mas motivado.


jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012

The blog forgotten, the blog forbidden

Hey. I just realized that I used to write here all my stuff, and here I am! you won't get rid of me so easily.
Well my life is going good, I mean in almost all ways, so it's fine to me.

Besides that, I would like to talk to Lara and see what happens. Long time since I've seen her. Sometimes I feel like I'm odd for her eyes, it's like when we crossed our sight, she prefer not to do it again BECAUSE I'm odd, like I'm dangerous or something stupid like that.

Well, these last days I try to practice a moral praxis, and that is: "not giving a fuck". And fuck! IT'S GREAT! Seems I care for many stupid-garbage things (not the things itself, but other things that comes from these). And for my personality I think I'm right; still remains things to be done.


miércoles, 29 de agosto de 2012


Today I realized that I'm a completely stupid guy (I know that some people already know that...yeah maybe everyone). Finally I put my stupid ass in the place of another person and now I see all clearly, I think that at least. 
The thing is, I make mistakes, like everyone do it...but what the hell!? how could I didn't notice? It wasn't too hard but, I'm stupid.
Each one has it's own methods to do things in life, and I was so blinded that I couldn't realize that.

The root of all of this comes from the music. I was in the metro coming to home, listening to music like everyday, looking people passing by, etc etc., and suddenly, one song awakened a sense of mine and then I started to think in that. The name of the song is Paid in Full, of course Sonata Arctica... the answer is not in the lyrics but in the rhythm, emphasis, imagination. 

And now I know how that it feels.

Ok, besides that, I went swimming and it was good :)
Las malas noticias es que me pegué en el pie y se me salió un pedazo de piel; dolió.

That's all bitches, over.

sábado, 25 de agosto de 2012

booooring day

Hi, how are you? good for you.
Today is a pretty boring day because yesterday my brother took his ps3 and then he went to a friend house, and now I can't play ps3..I hope that he comes back soon..
Besides that, I'm very excited for monday to come because it 'll be my first day of swimming! I really want to fucking swim! I know that will help me a lot in every way.

I'm still wondering "why I'm still writing in english?" to be honest I don't know.. I think it's just because I can and because I want, and If you think that's ridiculous you can suck my cock.

That's all, over

martes, 21 de agosto de 2012

progressively better

ME DIERON EL CFG!! así que estoy muy feliz y con mejor ánimo :)

Hello everybody, things just getting better and hope I go by the same way.
Besides that, I already have my stuff to go swimming and I'm ready to fucking swim!

This is my exciting and wonderful expression of emotion: 

So that's all... aaaand hoping that things go better.

lunes, 20 de agosto de 2012

Not a good start

I've just arrived at home and I'm reeeeally tired, I don't know why but today I'm especially tired and THAT IS NOT an inspiration for study. Besides that I'm not in a good mood cause today I realized that I still can't to get over other people...I really thought that there was no fucking sign of that fucking..shit.
Ok I know I am the only one who can change that; I know if I can do that, my life would change a lot.

Now I have to study and I don't wanna. Really I would like to have a normal love life, at least I think so.

Probablemente LA única buena noticia que podría llegar a recibir es que quizás me den otro CFG, lo cual me haría bastante feliz y cambiaría un poco mi ánimo :)

That's all, bye fuckers.

sábado, 18 de agosto de 2012

my pass card wasn't happy with me

Suddenly, I was about to get into the subway when I reached into my pocket and... omg my pass card was gone! after that I feel terrible and I remembered that I had my University card so my smile came back! Then I put money to my card and everything were good! with a smile on my face I pay with the University card and...I had to pay adult passage fare...
the moral of this is: treat with affection and love your things, especially your pass card :'(

jueves, 16 de agosto de 2012

It's raining and don't stop please

Have you ever asked yourself why when is raining you feel a strange sensation? like you can do anything or something like that? no? ok, it's just me.
Well I really don't know what topic I'm writing, but actually I just wanted to write something (and yes! congratulations! it's something!)
Maybe tomorrow I will try again; I mean, it is not that I have tried before in that way but I hope something different for tomorrow (theoretically today)
It's raining and don't stop please, It's like I can do anything, yet too cold.

miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012

attempt two, I think it works

I'm happy beacause I think I learned to use this blog, or something like that...
Well, this is my first blog and the truth is I really have no idea what to do with it, I suppose I will write some stuffs and see some stuffs; probably I will fill this up with anything I want or so.
You probably ask yourself: "why is he writting in english if he is from Chile?", the answer is because I can, and probably sometimes I'll write in spanish too just because I can :)

THE other reason why I did this is because today is "holiday" (I really have no fucking idea how does it says in english). What I wanted to say is that today I have no university and I stay all day in home, what it means I have nothing to do aaaaand it's raining (yes that is an argument). SO I decided to create a blog.

PD: sorry about my english If I have problems with it... reeeeeally I don't have to apologize.

Attempt one, fail

I'm trying to figure out how this works, but my attempts do not work, so I will try later

Very new person

I really don't know how to use this, but I will learn with time.. at least I hope so